Start by gathering the two sides into a
narrow “sausage”
Then proceed to fold from the trailing
… towards the leading edge...
Do NOT fold the leading edge inside
the bundle
Instead, keep the entire leading edge
on the outside of the bundle, and
secure with the UP compression strap.
Paraglider fabric
We use a top grade polyamide fabric
to build our paragliders. The fabric has
a special protective coating against UV
radiation and air permeability. The
fabric may suffer if it is exposed to
large amounts of UV radiation (i.e.
bright sunlight). Do not leave your
glider lying in the sun for any longer
than absolutely necessary, only
unpack and rig right before launching
and do yourself the favour of repacking
right after landing. Modern paraglider
textiles have improved much in terms
of UV durability but UV exposure
remains the deciding factor of a
paragliders' life expectancy. First the
colours start to fade, then the coating
and the structural integrity of the
synthetic fibres begins to deteriorate.
On UP gliders the coated side of the
cloth is facing inwards. This means