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Recognition by Computer:
The REGEN uses a high-speed hub controller chip that is compliant
with USB 2.0 standards. No software drivers are required. Once
powered and attached to your computer, it should be immediately
recognized as a USB hub.
Any USB device attached to the “OUTPUT” jack of the REGEN
will be seen as connected via a hub. You may need to check your
operating system and player software preferences/control panels to
confirm that your DAC is being seen “through” the hub.
The REGEN has been tested on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux
systems, including with a variety of DACs that use their own spe-
cialized software drivers. So far, compatibility has been 100%.
If your music player application or computer does not immedi-
ately “see” your DAC, please first turn your DAC off/on, check
again, and then reboot your computer with the REGEN and DAC
attached. In rare cases, you may need to reinstall the DAC driver
We hope the REGEN enhances your music system.