The use of this setting is highly advised as it prevents data loss due to unstable flash. Users
can set the time gap of power supply between copy and compare. The time gap can be set
from 0 to 15 seconds. The default is "3".
7.8 Auto Start After Fill Device
Sets auto start of copy/compare task upon insertion of all targets. Users can also choose to
confirm tasks first by pressing “Ok”.
7.9 Language
Sets the system’s language. (English or Japanese)
7.10 Select Speed
There are 5 transmission speed options:
Slowest Mode
Slower Mode
Normal Mode (Default)
Faster Mode
Fastest Mode
Use a good quality flash media that supports a faster mode. If unsure about the flash
quality or notice a high copy/compare failure rate, use a slower transmission speed. The
default setting is “Normal Mode”.
7.11 Set HDD Mode
This function is for copying USB-HDD(s).
Active Mode: Performing USB-HDD copy.
Inactive Mode: Performing USB device copy.
The purpose of “Active Mode” is because USB-HDDs have different file
formats compared to flash sticks. Once set at “Active Mode,” the
duplicator cannot do a BIG capacity to SMALL capacity copy, even if the
data is small.
7.12 Monitor Device After Copy
Allows user to set a device status check after duplication. The settings could show different
results because each device has various settings.