Measurement finished and the result is displa-
Rotate the wheel,clamp a counterweight of
the displayed value(eg:70g)on the outside co-
rrection position.
Keep rotating,clamp a counterweight
of the displayed value (eg:40g
on the inside correction position
The three values from left to right shown in fi-
gure 14 are unbalance value of the inside rim,
static value and unbalance value of the outside
rim respectively. When the left and right unba-
lance values are 0 and the middle static value is
more than 5g, by pressing FINE key the unba-
lance values less than 5g after standard dyna-
mic balance will be displayed on the left and
right side of the screen. Now it is recommen-
ded to do static balance to achieve complete
After dynamic mode measurement, select sta-
tic mode directly. The balance will automatica-
lly calculate the result of static mode.
First, choose static mode, then ins-
tall the Wheel and input parameters,
after that follow the process below.