Modemulator User Guide
(to grant Administrator privileges to User 2)
The Administrator privilege status written by the
is automatically stored to EEPROM.
It does not require you to send &W.
Setting Up Dialback Security
With Password Prompting and Dialback Security both enabled in an answering Modemulator, an originating
Modemulator will present a login banner and a dialback prompt before completing a connection. An
optional security banner may precede the login banner. In order to complete the connection, the valid
phone number of the originating Modemulator must be entered at the dialback prompt. The answering
Modemulator can store up to 7200 phone numbers in its dialing directory, and any of the numbers in the
dialing directory can be valid dialback phone numbers (a.k.a. whitelist).
If the valid phone number of the originating Modemulator is entered before S64 times-out, the
answering Modemulator will disconnect and after the duration set by the S44 register it will
attempt to dialback the originating Modemulator.
If an invalid phone number (not found in the answering Modemulator’s dialing directory) is entered
before S64 times-out, the connection will fail and the originating Modemulator will display
If nothing is entered before S64 times-out, the connection will fail and the originating Modemulator
will display
Login Failed
If a valid phone number of another Modemulator is entered, the answering Modemulator will
disconnect and after the duration set by the S44 register it will attempt to dial that Modemulator.
Dialback Security must be enabled in the answering Modemulator, which can be done locally (pre-
deployment) or remotely (post-deployment). The following steps will describe how to do local
configuration. To do remote configuration, see
for details about using Remote Access.
Here are the steps for locally setting up Dialback Security:
Password Prompting must be enabled in the answering Modemulator for Dialback Security to operate.
Follow the instructions in
before proceeding to the next step.
Enter the dialback phone number of the originating Modemulator into the answering Modemulator’s
dialing directory.
Connect a computer serial port to the answering Modemulator Terminal port with a serial cable.
Run a terminal application on the computer to facilitate sending commands into the Modemulator.
to enter the dialback phone number of the originating Modemulator into the
answering Modemulator’s dialing directory.