Modemulator User Guide
Password Prompting Is Enabled
If Password Prompting is enabled in the answering Modemulator, the originating Modemulator will
display a
message, the login banner, and the login prompt.
Enter a password at the login prompt.
If the password is accepted and has Administrator privileges, a
Logged In
message is displayed and
the answering Modemulator enters Remote Command Mode. The answering Modemulator will then
accept and process any AT commands identified with a ‘*’ in the
this document.
If the password is accepted but has no Administrator privileges, a
No Admin Privileges
message is
displayed and the answering Modemulator then completes the connection to the equipment
attached to its Terminal port.
If the password is not accepted, the answering Modemulator will disconnect, and the originating
Modemulator will display a
Login Failed
message and return to command mode.
If no password is entered before S64 times-out, the answering Modemulator will disconnect, and
the originating Modemulator will display a
Login Failed
message and return to command mode.
Ending A Remote Access Session
There are three ways to exit Remote Command Mode:
to make the answering Modemulator exit Remote Command Mode and complete
the connection to the equipment attached to its Terminal port.
to make the answering Modemulator exit Remote Command Mode and disconnect.
De-assert DTR on the terminal application to make the originating Modemulator disconnect. Then re-
assert DTR to allow further communication.
The Remote Command Mode scheduling bit will automatically clear upon disconnecting by any method,
disabling Remote Command Mode in subsequent connections