Modemulator User Guide
&H0 * Flow Control Disabled
No Hardware or Software flow control will be used.
&H1 * H/W Flow Control (default)
Hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) will be used.
&H2 * S/W Flow Control
Software flow control (Xon/Xoff) will be used.
&I0 * S/W Receive Flow Control Disabled (default)
Xon and Xoff characters received from the local DTE are treated as ordinary data.
&I1 * Xon/Xoff Signals Local and Remote Modemulator
Xon and Xoff characters received from the local DTE control the flow of data to the DTE and
Xon/Xoff characters are also passed along to the remote Modemulator as data.
&I2 * Xon/Xoff Signals Local Modemulator Only
Xon and Xoff characters received from the local DTE control the flow of data to the DTE, but are
not passed along to the remote Modemulator as data.
&L0 * Normal Line (default)
Emulate normal PSTN dialup operation.
&L1 * Leased Line
Emulate the operation of a private point-to-point leased circuit.