12. Gate opens using
transmitter, but will
not close using
(LCR receiver only)
1. The problem is most likely the programming of the LCR receiver (P2
relay is programmed to latch mode)
2. On the Patriot control board locate press and hold the “LED
Indicator” push button.
3. Look in the lower left corner of the Patriot control board and note any
LED’s that are on.
4. If the “Free Exit/Open Input” is on then the receiver (P2) is
programmed to latch mode.
5. Go to page 14 “Resetting receiver P2 relay to momentary mode”
6. If this does not correct the problem return to troubleshooting section
4 and perform steps 1-6.
7. If problem is not corrected, call the factory for further
13. Charger / Charge
controller “External
Power or Solar
Power Light &
Detection Light are
1. This indicated that the battery is not connected to the charger /
charge controller.
2. Verify that the 2 wire harness going to the battery is connected to the
battery and also connected to the charger / charge controller.
14. Gate Open and
Close Stop Position
is Changing (not
1. Limit switch lever has been bent and is not contacting limit cam
nut at the correct location. The limit cam nut leading edge should
depress the limit switch lever well before reaching the peak of the
limit switch lever. Adjust limit switch lever gently so that limit cam
nut depresses limit switch lever before reaching peak of limit switch
2. Limit cam nut is possibly jumping threads on the drive shaft.
This would be possible if the limit cam nuts had been cross threaded
onto the drive shaft and the threads on the limit cam nuts have been
damaged. Replace limit cam nuts and possibly drive shaft threaded