Xii. startUP
Company at 1-800-422-2436 or your distribu-
tor for more information.
Use of an alternate manufacturer’s premix an
tifreeze is acceptable if the product specifica
tions are comparable with those of the recom-
mended premix antifreeze and the antifreeze is
compatible with type 356 T6 aluminum. Use of
incompatible antifreeze could damage the heat
exchanger and will void the product warranty.
The antifreeze must be maintained per the
specifications of the manufacturer. Failure to do
so will result in the warranty being voided. Fol-
low the antifreeze manufacturer’s instructions
on determining the proper ratio of antifreeze to
water for the expected low temperature condi-
tions and for maintaining the antifreeze solution
from year to year.
Do Not Use aUtoMotiVe aNtiFreeZe
as the type of corrosion inhibitors used will
coat the boiler’s heat transfer surfaces and
greatly reduce capacity and efficiency.
f. Use of antifreeze in any boiler will reduce heat-
ing capacity by as much as 10-20% due to
differing heat transfer and pumping character-
istics. This must be taken into consideration
when sizing the heating system, pump(s) and
expansion tank. Consult antifreeze manufac-
turer’s literature for specific information on re
duced capacity.
g. Water content of the boiler is 2.6 gallons (10
h. Antifreeze will raise the pH of the water in a
heating system to between 8.0 and 10.0. This
is due to the corrosion inhibitors in the anti-
FIllIng BoIlER WItH WatER and puRgIng
aIR FoR sYstEMs WItH dIapHRagM tYpE
EXpansIon tanKs
Refer to the appropriate diagrams in Section VII,
Boiler Piping,”
for more information.
1. Close all zone service valves on the supply and
return piping. Open the feed valve and fill boiler
with water. Make sure air vent is open. Hold relief
valve open until water runs air free for five seconds
to rapidly bleed air from boiler, then let the relief
valve snap shut.
2. Open the zone service valve on the supply pipe
for the first zone. Open the purge valve on the first
zone. Feed water will fill the zone, pushing air out
the purge valve. Close the purge valve when the
water runs air free. Close the zone service valve.
3. Repeat step 2 for all remaining zones.
4. Open all service valves. Any air remaining trapped
in the return lines between the service valves and
the boiler will be pushed towards the air vent when
the boiler is placed in operation.
5. Inspect piping system. Repair any leaks immedi-
FIllIng BoIlER WItH WatER and puRgIng aIR
FoR sYstEMs WItH conVEntIonal closEd
tYpE EXpansIon tanKs
Refer to the appropriate diagrams in Section VII,
Boiler Piping,”
for more information.
1. Close all zone service valves on the supply and
return piping and close the expansion tank service
valve. Drain expansion tank. Open the feed valve
and fill boiler with water. Hold relief valve open until
water runs air free for five seconds to rapidly bleed
air from boiler, then let the relief valve snap shut.
2. Open the zone service valve on the supply pipe
for the first zone. Open the purge valve on the first
zone. Feed water will fill the zone, pushing air out
the purge valve. Close the purge valve when the
water runs air free. Close the zone service valve.
3. Repeat step 2 for all remaining zones.
4. Open the expansion tank service valve and the tank
vent. Fill the tank to the proper level and close the
tank vent. Remove the handle from the expansion
tank service valve so the homeowner doesn’t ac
cidentally close it.
5. Open all service valves. Any air remaining trapped
in the return lines between the service valves and
the boiler will be pushed towards the expansion
tank when the boiler is placed in operation.
6. Inspect piping system. Repair any leaks immedi-