iii. rUles For saFe iNstallatioN aND oPeratioN
Figure #1
Failure to follow these instructions could cause
a malfunction of the boiler and result in death,
serious bodily injury, and/or property damage.
For assistance or additional information, consult
a qualified installer, service agency, or the gas
1. Check all applicable state and local building codes and
utility company requirements before installation. This
installation must conform with these requirements
in their entirety. In the absence of these codes,
use NFPA installation codes and good industry
2. Before servicing the boiler, allow it to cool. Always
shut off any electricity and gas supply connected to
the boiler prior to servicing.
3. Inspect gas line for leaks.
4. Be certain gas input rate is correct. Overfiring may
result in early failure of the boiler components. This
may cause dangerous operation. Underfiring may
result in too much air for the pre-mix burner causing
poor or loss of combustion.
5. Never vent the products of combustion from this boiler
to an enclosed space. Always vent to the outdoors.
Never vent to another room or to inside a building.
6. Be sure there is adequate outdoor air supply to boiler
for complete combustion.
BoIlER JacKEts
this appliance has been equipped for residential installations. if used for commercial applications,
any and all additional code requirements must be adhered to for installation. this may require
additional controls, including but not limited to a manual reset low water cut off, a manual reset high
temperature limit, and wiring and/or piping modifications.
the manufacturer is not
responsible for any field installation changes made to a boiler installation
wHicH are Not DescriBeD or acKNowleDgeD iN tHis MaNUal.