Apply a thin layer of CA around the edge of one of the halves. Fold together and align. The CA will let you
reposition the halves until you have them aligned. Hold for 10 seconds. Secure with a 2nd piece of tape.
Put a piece of foam for flotation inside the stack. Add filled epoxy to hold the foam and strengthen the inside of
the seams. Mark the outline of the searchlight mounting wing and trim the outside with scissors. Don’t fully trim
the inside area (double arrow). Leave room to sand and fit to the width of your finished stack.
The width of a stack will vary according to how much you sanded away. The slot in the wing should not be
too large at this point. Install it on the stack LATER. Locate the anti-aircraft gun placements for the bow.
Mark them as shown for trimming.
Score the inside
narrower than the marked lines
. Break out the inside piece and sand the edges of the wing
Don’t sand the inside slot yet.
Sand the bottom of the wing smooth and level with the sanding block.
Sanded pair of stack halves “before” & “after”. Once done, hold together and tape one edge to make a hinge.