Tip #1
Clear the area where the myVacBot B100 is to clean of any items can be easily knocked over, or caught with
the Roller Brush or Side Brush.
Tip #2
Adjust the distance between furniture, walls and other objects to beat least 36 cm.
Tip #3
Do not let the loose edges of rugs, drapes, table cloths, etc to get caught in the myVacBot B100 Roll under the
loose edges of rugs and make sure that any table cloths, drapes, bedding etc don‘t hand down to the floor.
In the area where the myVacBot B100 operates,
it might knock over items such as vases,
glasses or lamps
When the myVacBot B100 ist cleaning rugs,
fold under the edges of the rug.
In order to provide the myVacBot B100 a space
for fast and safe cleaning, please remove small
items from the area before operating.
Remove plastic bags and left over
long-shaped garbage.