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This constitutes a risk of significant damage to equip
ment and/or facilities, a risk of personal injury or even
loss of life.
Make sure that air/gas intake through the gas ballast
valve can never lead to hazardous, explosive or oth-
erwise dangerous mixtures. If in doubt, use inert gas
(e.g. nitrogen), or close the gas ballast valve.
To reduce condensation in the pump, do not pump vapor
before the pump has reached its operating temperature.
Open the gas ballast valve when pumping condensable
vapors. Turn gas ballast cap to open valve.
condensable vapors
(water vapor, sol-
vents, etc.):
- The gas ballast valve is open if the arrow on
the gas ballast cap is pointing towards the
labelling ”GB”.
- With gas ballast valve open, the ultimate vacuum will
be reduced.
- Use inert gas for gas ballast to avoid the formation of
explosive mixtures. A special adapter fitting is needed
to connect an inert gas supply line (see “Accessories”,
pg. 52). This adapter replaces the standard gas bal-
last cap and allows for an inert gas line to be connect-
ed via a KF DN 16 small flange at a maximum supply
pressure of 17.5 psi (1.2 bar) absolute.
- Close the gas ballast valve by turning the cap 180°.
In case of low boiling solvents (when the formation of con-
densate is unlikely), the use of gas ballast might be un-
gas ballast (9)