User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
38 ___________________________________________________________________ M210243en-A
QMV101 Water Level Sensor determines water level by measuring
the water pressure above the submerged sensor in reservoirs, lakes,
and rivers. The pressure measurement is based on high performance
micro-machined silicon technology, packaged in a fully welded 316
stainless steel assembly.
The specific features include a Kevlar strain relieved vented cable,
internal condensation protection and an IP68 injection molded cable
assembly, which guarantees sensor operation over an extended period
of time.
Figure 23
QMV102 Water Level Sensor
QMV102 Water Level Sensor determines water level by measuring
the water pressure above the submerged sensor in reservoirs, lakes,
rivers, and offshore. This transducer incorporates the latest advances
in depth and level measurements. The highly stable pressure
measurement is based on silicon measurement element fully isolated
from the media by a titanium isolation diagram. The use of titanium
enables the sensors to be used in the most hostile of fluids where
materials such as stainless steel cannot be considered.