background image

how you react to virtual reality. Keep your 

first few sessions brief and take breaks. 

Certain situations can increase your risk of 

VR discomfort. 

For example:



Being a new user - symptoms tend to 

decrease as your vision system adapts.



Being prone to motion sickness in other 

situations, having a fear of heights or 

health conditions, such as inner ear 

disorders, or being prone to migraine 




Headset not oriented correctly on your




Certain types of content, particularly

games or movies that make you feel as 

if you are moving through space or look-

ing down from a height, or interactions 

that involve tracking moving objects.



Using virtual reality for extended 

periods without a break.

Take breaks periodically.

 The timing and 

length of breaks may depend on how you 

as an individual react to virtual reality and 

what you are doing within the system. 

If you 

experience any discomfort, stop and rest 

until you feel better. 

Sitting still in a well-lit 

environment can help speed recovery from 

disorientation. If you feel disoriented or 

otherwise impaired, avoid activities that 

rely on balance, coordination, or other 

potentially diminished capabilities until you 

recover. Note the type of content you were 

viewing and other aspects of the situation, 

so you can adjust or ease into the situation 

next time. If symptoms are severe or persist, 

consult a qualified health professional.

Musculoskeletal discomfort.

 As with many 

physical activities, repetitive or prolonged 

activities with the Hardware may cause 

occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, 

shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. 

Take breaks periodically and stop and rest 

if you get tired, sore, or experience any 

discomfort such as pain, tingling, numbness, 

or stiffness. If you experience persistent or 

recurring discomfort, consult a qualified 

health professional.

Photosensitive Seizures. 

A very small 

percentage of people may experience a 

seizure when exposed to certain visual 

images, including flashing lights or patterns 

that may be displayed on the Headset. Even 

people who have no history of seizures or 

epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condi-

tion that can cause these photosensitive 

epileptic seizures. Children and teenagers 

are more likely than adults to experience 

these seizures.

Symptoms may include involuntary muscle 

movements (such as eye or face twitching, 

or jerking of arms or legs), lightheadedness, 

altered vision, disorientation, confusion, or 

momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may 

also cause loss of consciousness or convul-

sions that can lead to injury from falling 

down or striking nearby objects.

Immediately stop using and consult a health 

professional if you experience any of these 

symptoms. Parents should watch for and 

ask about the above symptoms. The risk of 

photosensitive epileptic seizures may be 

reduced by not using your Hardware when 

you are tired. 

If you or any of your relatives have a history 

Summary of Contents for INDEX


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Page 3: ...will find additional instructions in the Setup Guide included in your VR Kit Online refer to steamvr steampowered com for set up usage and troubleshooting information Read this entire document and Set...

Page 4: ...s and alcohol may also impact your judgment and reactions to the virtual environment Contagious Conditions Avoid sharing the Headset and Controllers with anyone with a health condition that can be tra...

Page 5: ...and children away Set up and understand the Chaperone boundaries see below SET UP AND UNDERSTAND THE CHAPERONE FUNCTION Once you download SteamVR at steamvr steampowered com you will have access to i...

Page 6: Cables connect together and should run unob structed from the Headset to your PC Do not loop the Cables around objects or route the Cables through walls The Headset cable will separate from the Con...

Page 7: ...ult a qualified health professional Musculoskeletal discomfort As with many physical activities repetitive or prolonged activities with the Hardware may cause occasional discomfort in your hands arms...

Page 8: ...If symptoms are severe or persist consult a health professional III CARE CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Keep dry clean appropriately Keep all Hardware dry and away from liquids WARNING Exposing the power su...

Page 9: ...y Do not attempt to repair open or service any part of the Hardware WARNING This may pose electrical or other hazards Do not use any component or cable if damaged Contact Valve Support at https help s...

Page 10: ...Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy If not...

Page 11: ...ity can be found at http compliance steampowered com This device bears the CE mark in accordance with Directive 2014 53 EU Hereby Valve Corporation declares that this Valve Index VR Kit is in complian...


Page 13: ...PRODUCT Please read it at s team warranty Any dispute not resolved by informal negotiation or in small claims court will be resolved ONLY BY INDIVIDUAL BINDING ARBITRATION under the U S Federal Arbit...

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Page 15: Komponenten finden Sie eine Liste der Komponenten beh rdliche Anforderung en unter Zulassungsinformationen und unter Zusammenfassung der Gew hrleis tungsbeschr nkung und vereinbarung eine Kurz bers...

Page 16: ...Sie diese nicht bequem und sicher tragen k nnen Medizinische Bedingungen Wenn Sie eine physische oder psychische Erkrankung haben die sich auf Ihre sichere Verwendung der Hardware auswirken k nnte so...

Page 17: ...ontrollern nicht mit Gegenst nden in Ihrer N he oder ber Ihnen wie u a die Decke Lampen usw in Ber hrung kommen Entfernen Sie Gegenst nde ber die Sie stolpern oder auf denen Sie ausrutschen k nnten St...

Page 18: ...nstellung ist kein Ersatz f r die Planung eines sicheren Spielbereichs oder die Verwendung eines Spotters Die Chaperone Standardeinstellung bietet die am besten sichtbaren Grenzen Sie k nnen beim Trag...

Page 19: ...gen wird Denn och ist es ratsam den PC so zu platzieren dass er nicht herunterfallen kann wenn an ihm gezogen wird Sie d rfen die Kabel nicht mit Klebeband zusammenbinden oder anderweitig verhindern d...

Page 20: ...ngesehen haben und andere Aspekte der Situation damit Sie sich beim n chsten Mal besser auf die Situation einstellen k nnen Bei schweren oder anhaltenden Symptomen sollten Sie einen Arzt konsultieren...

Page 21: ...s nass wird Verwenden Sie keine Lotionen oder sonstigen Produkte auf der Haut die mit der Hardware in Ber hrung kommen Tragen Sie die Hardware nicht ber Hautverletzungen Passen Sie den Headset Kopfb g...

Page 22: zu 90 Tagen 10 C 35 C 14 F 95 F Setzen Sie die Akkus keiner Sto belas tung aus Lassen Sie die Akkus nur von einem autorisierten Dienstleister warten oder recyceln Wenn der Akku undicht ist und der...

Page 23: ...Anschluss des Computers an die Strom versorgung Netzadapter Regionale r elektrische r Steckeradapter Kopfst tze Mikrofaser Reinigungstuch...

Page 24: ...B gem Abschnitt 15 der FCC Vorschriften Diese Grenzwerte sollen einen angemessenen Schutz gegen sch dliche St rungen bei der Installation in Wohngegenden sicherstellen Dieses Ger t erzeugt und verwen...

Page 25: unter http compliance steampowered com zu finden Dieses Ger t tr gt das CE Zeichen gem der Richtlinie 2014 53 EU Hiermit erkl rt die Valve Corporation dass dieses Valve Index VR Kit die grundlege...

Page 26: ...A und anderen L ndern Chaperone Valve Index und das Valve Index Logo sind Marken der Valve Corporation ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER GEW HRLEISTUNGSBESCHR NKUNG UND VEREINBARUNG VERBINDLICHES SCHIEDSVERFAHREN U...


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Page 29: ...mentre Riepilogo della garanzia limitata e del contratto offre una sintesi della copertu ra della garanzia di Valve Ulteriori istruzioni sono disponibili nella guida di installazio ne inclusa con il K...

Page 30: dell uso Valutare il proprio stato di salute il proprio equilibrio e le proprie capacit fisiche tenendo in considerazione il modo in cui si utilizzer il sistema Ad esempio considerare se si utilizz...

Page 31: ...i relativi cavi fuori dall area di gioco abbastanza lontano da impedire che i giocatori le colpiscano Le stazioni di base sono dispositivi elettronici di precisione perci eventuali cadute urti o altr...

Page 32: ...persone partico larmente suscettibili a cadere o a infortu narsi in seguito ad una caduta potrebbero preferire di partecipare solo a esperienze VR da seduti I nuovi utenti potrebbero avere maggiori pr...

Page 33: ...IONE DI MALESSERE ED EFFETTI SULLA SALUTE Sensazione di malessere dovuto alla VR Si potrebbe provare una sensazione di malessere durante un esperienza di realt virtuale soprattutto nelle fasi iniziali...

Page 34: ...ti a crisi epilettiche I sintomi possono includere movimenti muscolari involontari ad esempio contra zioni degli occhi o del viso o sussulti di braccia o gambe stordimento alterazione della vista diso...

Page 35: ...enere condizioni ambientali idonee Umidit Se si utilizza l hardware in uno spazio molto umido l umidit si potreb be accumulare nelle stazioni di base causandone il malfunzionamento In tal caso smetter...

Page 36: ...Assistenza di Valve all indirizzo https help steampowered com in caso di problemi IV COMPONENTI DEL KIT PER VR Stazioni di base Stazioni di base 2 Kit di montaggio Cavi di alimentazione 2 Alimentator...

Page 37: ...itale di Classe B ai sensi della parte 15 delle norme FCC Tali limiti sono stati fissati allo scopo di assicurare un adeguata protezione dalle interferenze dannose nell ambito di un installazione resi...

Page 38: ...La dichiarazione di conformit completa disponibile all indirizzo http compliance steampow ered com Questo prodotto reca il marchio CE in conformit con la direttiva 2014 53 EU Con il presente documento...

Page 39: il logo Valve Steam il logo Steam e SteamVR sono marchi di Valve Corporation registrati negli Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi Chaperone Valve Index e il logo Valve Index sono marchi registrati di Valv...

Page 40: ...TTO IL PRODOTTO IL SUO PREZZO LA TRANSAZIONE D ACQUISTO O ALTRO RELATIVO AL PRODOTTO disponibile alla pagina s team warranty Qualsiasi controversia non risolta mediante negoziazione informale o in tri...

Page 41: ...r une liste des composants Informations r glementaires pour les exigences gouvernementales et R sum de la garantie limit e et accord pour un r sum des garanties couvertes par Valve Vous trouverez des...

Page 42: ...urrait affecter votre utilisation en toute s curit du Mat riel consultez un profes sionnel de sant avant toute utilisation Tenez compte de votre tat de sant de votre quilibre et de vos capacit s physi...

Page 43: ...s d o vous pourriez tomber c t de l aire de jeu au cas o vous quitteriez accidentelle ment la zone pendant l utilisation Placez les stations de base et leurs cordons d alimentation en dehors de l aire...

Page 44: un autre joueur assurez vous que les r gla ges sont appropri s l utilisation Familiari sez les nouveaux joueurs avec Chaperone et ses param tres PR PAREZ VOUS JOUER Pr voyez les chutes Lorsque vous...

Page 45: ...venir les chutes et les projections accidentelles des contr leurs en particulier pendant une utilisation nergique Fixez les Dragonnes aux poign es des contr leurs et serrez les sur vos poignets Tirez...

Page 46: Faites des pauses r guli rement et arr tez vous pour vous reposer si vous ressentez de la fatigue de l inconfort des douleurs des picotements des engourdissements ou des raideurs Si vous ressentez...

Page 47: ...permettre votre peau de respirer Si votre peau devient rouge enfl e ou que vous subissez des d mangeaisons ou autres irritations cessez d utiliser le syst me Si les sympt mes sont prononc s ou persist...

Page 48: ...dans vos yeux ne les frottez pas Rincez les plut t l eau courante propre et consultez imm diatement un m decin R agissez rapidement car l lectrolyte peut causer des l sions oculaires N essayez pas de...

Page 49: ...isateur de l appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radio lectrique subi m me si le brouillage est susceptible d en compromettre le fonctionnement L quipement a t test et respecte les limites relative...

Page 50: ...nt gralit l adresse suivante http compliance steampowered com Cet appareil porte le marquage CE conform ment la directive 2014 53 UE Par la pr sente Valve Corporation d clare que ce kit de VR Valve In...

Page 51: ...lve Index et le logo Valve Index sont des marques commerciales de Valve Corporation R SUM DE LA GARANTIE LIMIT E ET ACCORD ARBITRAGE OBLIGATOIRE ET RENONCIATION AUX RECOURS COLLECTIFS Avertissement SI...

Page 52: ...Tout diff rend non r solu par voie de n gociation informelle ou dans le cadre d une cour des petites cr ances sera r gl UNIQUEMENT PAR ARBITRAGE OBLIGATOIRE INDIVIDUEL en vertu de la loi am ricaine Fe...

Page 53: ...s gubernamentales Informaci n normativa y un resumen de la cobertura de garant a de Valve Resumen del Acuerdo y la Garant a limitada Encontrar instrucciones adicio nales en la Gu a de instalaci n incl...

Page 54: ...tilizar el Hardware estando sentado de pie o en movimiento la clase e intensidad de los movimientos f sicos que realizar y el tipo de contenidos que visualizar por ejemplo contenidos de car cter inten...

Page 55: ...n fuera del rea de juego lo suficientemente lejos para que el jugador no las pueda tocar Las Esta ciones base son dispositivos electr nicos de precisi n y cualquier ca da golpe o contacto podr a afect...

Page 56: juego y decidir si va a jugar a qu va a jugar y c mo va a hacerlo prevenga posibles ca das Es posible que aquellas personas especialmente susceptibles a ca das o a lesiones por ca da prefieran part...

Page 57: ...andos y t nselos alrededor de sus mu ecas Tense las correas de ajuste para fijar los Mandos a sus manos Si nota que los Mandos no est n fijos siga tensando las correas Consulte la Gu a de instalaci n...

Page 58: ...n puede sufrir un episodio epil ptico cuando visualiza ciertas im genes incluidas luces parpadeantes o patrones que podr an mostrarse en el Visor Incluso aquellas personas que nunca han sufrido convu...

Page 59: ...el sumi nistro el ctrico a l quidos podr a suponer un peligro de electrocuci n Si necesita limpiar las Estaciones base descon ctelas primero Para limpiar el Hardware utilice el pa o de microfibra que...

Page 60: ...una de las partes del Hardware ADVERTENCIA Ello podr a suponer riesgos el ctricos o de otro tipo No utilice ning n componente o cable da ado Si tiene alg n problema p ngase en contac to con el Soporte...

Page 61: ...pertinentes y cumple los l mites de los dispositivos digitales de clase B estipulados en el apartado 15 de las normas de la FCC Estos l mites tienen por objeto ofrecer una protecci n razonable contra...

Page 62: ...onsultar la declaraci n de conformidad completa en http compliance steam powered com Este dispositivo incluye la marca CE de conformidad con la Directiva 2014 53 UE Por la presente Valve Corporation d...

Page 63: ...rciales de Valve Corporation registradas en Estados Unidos y otros pa ses Chaperone Valve Index y el logotipo de Valve Index son marcas comerciales de Valve Corporation RESUMEN DEL ACUERDO Y LA GARANT...

Page 64: ...N DE COMPRA O CUALQUIER OTRA COSA RELACIONADA CON EL PRODUCTO Puede consultar dicha cl usula en s team warranty Cualquier disputa no resuelta por negociaci n informal o en un tribunal dedicado a deman...

Page 65: ...I Valve Index VR VR VR 2 2 1 VR Steam Valve Steam Steam Steam Steam 13 VR Valve VR steamvr steampowered com II Valve 13 VALVE INDEX JP...

Page 66: ...IPD 1 steamvr steampowered com GFSK 2 4 GHz ISM steamvr steampowered com VR 2 m x 1 5 m 6 5 x 5...

Page 67: ...Valve CHAPERONE steamvr steampowered com SteamVR VR VR VR VR VR...

Page 68: ...VR VR VR PC PC PC 2 VR VR VR VR VR VR...

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Page 70: ...III 10 35 C 50 95 F 0 C 45 C 50 F 113 F 10 C 45 C 14 F 113 F 30 10 C 45 C 14 F 113 F 90 10 C 35 C 14 F 95 F Valve https help steampowered com IV VR 2 2 2...

Page 71: ...2 USB C 2 1 5 m 1 1 m...

Page 72: ...2AES41007 IC ID 20207 1007 Valve FCC ID 2AES41005 IC ID 20207 1005 Valve FCC ID 2AES41006 IC ID 20207 1006 FCC ID 2AES41004 IC ID 20207 1004 FCC NRTL UL CSA ETL IEC EN 60950 CE IT FCC 15 RSS 2 1 2 FCC...

Page 73: ...compliance steampowered com 2014 53 EU CE Valve Corporation Valve Index VR 2014 53 EU EEA EEA 1004 2402 2483 5 MHz EIRP 6 24 dBm 1005 2400 2483 5 MHz EIRP 5 80 dBm 1006 2400 2483 5 MHz EIRP 7 42 dBm 1...

Page 74: ...wered com Steam http store steampowered com subscriber agreement Steam Steam http support steampowered com 2018 Valve Corporation Valve Valve Steam Steam SteamVR Valve Corporation Chaperone Valve Inde...

Page 75: ...http s team hw_help EU Valve s team warranty 1 Valve www adr org Valve Valve...

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