3 VAMPSET PC software
Operation and configuration
VAMP 24h support phone +358 (0)20 753 3264
VAMPSET PC software
The PC user interface can be used for:
On-site parameterization of the relay
Loading relay software from a computer
Reading measured values, registered values and events to a
Continuous monitoring of all values and events.
A USB port is available for connecting a local PC with
VAMPSET to the relay. A standard USB-B cable can be used.
The VAMPSET program can also use the TCP/IP LAN
connection. Optional hardware is required for Ethernet
There is a free of charge PC program called VAMPSET
available for configuration and setting of VAMP relays. Please
download the latest VAMPSET.exe from our web page
www.vamp.fi. For more information about the VAMPSET
software, please refer to the user’s manual with the code
VMV.EN0xx. Also the VAMPSET user’s manual is available at
our web site.
When the relay is connected to a PC with a USB, a virtual
comport will be created. The comport number may vary
depending on your computer hardware. In order to check the
correct port number, please go to Windows Device Manager:
Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager and
under Ports(COM&LPT) for “USB Serial Port”. The correct
comport must be selected from the VAMPSET menu: Settings-
>Communication Settings. Speed setting can be set up to
187500 bps. Default setting in the relay is 38400 bps which can
be manually changed from the front panel of the device.
By default every new relay will create a new comport. To avoid
this behavior, the user needs to add a REG_BINARY value
called IgnoreHWSerNum04036001 to the Windows registry and
set it to 01. The location for this value is