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Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 |

QUICK START GUIDE: GA5000 Portable Landfill Gas Analyser

+44 (0)1428 661 660


Monitoring your needs


This guide serves as a quick reference 

for operating a GA5000 Portable 

Landfill Gas Analyser. It is for your 

convenience & not intended to 

replace the full-length manual where 

additional information may be found.


This unit was dispatched serviced, calibrated & with everything you need to operate it. 


A - Main Gas Read Screen

B  - Soft-keys

C - Backlight Key

D - Menu Key

E - Key 2 – Page Up

F - Key 4 – Scroll Left

G - Pump Key

H - LED Light

I - On/Off (Start) Key

J - Assistance Key

K - Key 6 – Scroll Right

L - Key 8 – Page Down

M - Enter Key

N - General Keys

1.  To switch the instrument on, hold the ‘On/Off’ key. The instrument will start-up & run 

through a test procedure.

2.  Always use tubing provided to stop moisture ingress into the instrument.

3.  Start by doing a quick ‘self-purge’ test by following the on-screen instructions.

4.  Press ‘Start’ key which will take you through all the settings.

For one well you have Gas Analysis, Pressure & Flow Readings

Scan to download the video

GA5000 Landfill Gas Analyser Quick Start Guide
