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Van Walt Ltd | Prestwick Lane | Grayswood | Haslemere | Surrey | GU27 2DU | Tel. 01428 661 660 | Fax. 01428 656 808 |

QUICK START GUIDE: GA5000 Portable Landfill Gas Analyser

+44 (0)1428 661 660


Monitoring your needs


Scan to download the video

GA5000 Landfill Gas Analyser - Sampling

The ‘Main Gas Read Screen’ is 

considered to be the normal operating 

screen and all operations are carried 

out from this starting point.

When readings achieved store the 

information & start again.

To access your stored information, press 

‘Menu’ button & ‘view download’.

At anytimeyou can Purge System 

by pressing ‘Pump’ or turninjg the 

instrument off.

Time / date stamp

Borehole ID

Green text = reading active

Note: Blue text = reading fixed


Battery power 




Soft key options

When you have completed your readings, Click & hold ‘Power’ button to turn the instrument 

off.  The instrument will purge itself before it powers down completely. Please keep the inlet 

tube after use, if returned Van Walt will dispose of this as we can’t re-use it. 
