The EVEXWHDMI is capable of routing IR from the display to the source(s). Due to possible differences in IR
configuration and voltage, it is important that you use the IR cables that have been provided with the product
to ensure compatibility
1. If the display has “waiting for connection” on the bottom right hand corner: Check to see if the power
supply of the transmitter and receiver are well connected and that the power indicator lights are ON.
2. If the display states, “Please check the TX input signal”: First check to see if there input is properly
connected and powered on. Next try to connect the signal source directly to the display device to see if
there is a signal output from the source device or change the signal source.
3. If the display is not stabled:
For best performance and practice, we recommend that all HDMI cables are tested properly before installing
them on site.
1. Try moving the position of the transmitter and receiver and make sure
the range of the device has not been exceeded.
2. Hit the “RESET” button on the RX first, followed by the TX. Please
allow time to sink before trying the TX RESET button
3. Remove power and HDMI form both sides, reconnect the HDMI cables
FIRST, then power after
4. Look to remove other wireless signal that may be disrupting the