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Dimple countersink the #19 holes in the F-824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins, for # 8 screws for the rudder cable exit
guide clamp attachment (DWG 74 or 74A).
Dimple countersink the F-824B Cover Plate attachment screw holes located at the inspection cover openings at
the aft end of the left and right F-824-1 Rear Side Skins, for #6 screws (Detail A, DWG 74 or 74A). Dimple
countersink the #40 nutplate attachment rivet holes.
RV-8 Only:
Dimple-countersink the #19 screw holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins for #8 screws.
Apply a slight roll to some edges of the fuselage skins before they are dimpled, to provide a flush fit to the un-
derlying skin (refer to LAP JOINTS in section 5 of the construction manual). Roll the aft edge of the F-820-L-1
& -R-1 (RV-8) or F-891-L-1 & -R-1 (RV-8A) Fwd Side Skins. Roll the aft edge of the left and right F-823-1 Mid
Side Skins. Roll the aft edge of the F-826-1 Right and F-827-1 Left Center Bottom Skins. Roll the bottom edge
of the F-824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins. Roll the aft edge of the F-842-1 Aft Bottom Skin Fwd.
Dimple countersink the #40 holes at the aft end of the F-827-1 Left Center Bottom Skin, and F-826-1 Right Cen-
ter Bottom Skin.
Dimple countersink the #30 holes at the fwd end of the F-827-1 Left Center Bottom Skin, and F-826-1 Right
Center Bottom Skin, that are common with holes in the fwd and aft bottom flanges of the Center Section As-
sembly. Dimple countersink the two #40 holes at the fwd end of the left center and right center bottom skins,
that are positioned between the two rows of holes that are common with the fwd and aft Center Section Bulk-
head Assemblies bottom flanges.
Dimple countersink the #30 and #40 rivet holes in all the exterior fuselage skins that are designated for flush
rivets (Refer to rivet callout details, DWG 74 or 74A).
CAUTION: The #30 holes at the fwd end of the F-842-1
Aft Bottom Skin Fwd for an RV-8A should not be dimpled on the left side because of the step installa-
tion (See “Detail C”, DWG 71).
Dimple countersink the #30 and #40 holes in the F-816A-L-1 & -R-1 Cockpit Rails
. NOTE: Two holes near the
aft end do not get dimpled (See “Left Cockpit Rail”, DWG 72).
Dimple countersink the three #40 holes in
the flange at the top of the F-804C-FL & FR Center Section Bulkheads, and the F-804C-AR & AL Center Sec-
tion Bulkheads, that are common with dimpled holes in the cockpit rails.
Dimple countersink the four #19 holes in the F-816A-L-1 & -R-1 Cockpit Rails for #8 flush head screws.
Make notches in the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons for the F-811C-1 Horizontal Stab Attach Bars as shown
in “Detail A”, DWG 66. Use the pen lines previously located by the notches in the F-819-1 Aft Deck, as the ref-
erence for locating the notches in the upper longerons.
Trim the aft end of the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons as shown in “Detail G”, DWG 71.
Prime the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons, F-844-L & -R (RV-8) or F-898-L & -R (RV-8A) Auxiliary
Longerons, F-843-L-and -R-1 Lower Longerons, and the left and right F-857C Seat Belt Angles. Prime all other
parts if/as desired.
RV-8 Only:
Cleco the F-843-L-1 & -R-1 Lower Longerons to the F-822-1 Fwd Fuselage Sub Structure (DWG
67). Install the two screws and the four bolts in the bottom web of each lower longeron. Rivet the lower
longerons to the F-822-1 Fwd Floor Panel.
RV-8 Only:
Fit the Fwd Fuselage Sub Structure to the Center Section Assembly. Cleco the bottom flanges of
the center section assembly from the inside. Rivet the nutplate to each mid cabin brace and the top flange of
the center section assembly. Rivet and bolt the F-878-L-1 & -R-1 Mid Cabin Braces to the center section as-
sembly (See “Detail A”, DWG 67).
RV-8A Only: NOTE: Do not rivet the two holes in each lower longeron that are also common with the F-
802W-L-1 & -R-1 Longeron Clips in this step.
Cleco the F-843-L-1 & -R-1 Lower Longerons to the F-890-1
Fwd Floor Panel (DWG 67A). Install the four bolts at the fwd end of each lower longeron. Rivet the lower
longerons to the fwd floor panel.
RV-8A Only:
Fit the Fwd Fuselage Sub Structure to the Center Section Assembly. Cleco the bottom flanges of
the center section assembly from the inside.
Remove the nut from the bottom bolt in each F-814E-1 Seat Ramp Supports, and push the bolt forward just
enough to allow clearance for bucking the bottom rivet common between the seat ramp support and the F-
814A-L-1 & -R-1 Forward Inboard Seat Rib Assemblies. Cleco the Seat Rib Subassembly to the F-804 Center
Section Subassembly. Rivet the F-814A-L-1 & -R-1 Forward Inboard Seat Rib Assemblies to the F-814E-L-1 &
8s8PP-1 r1 06/23/11
-R-1 Seat Ramp Sub Assemblies (See “Detail C”, DWG 69). Reinstall the washers and nut (once again only
finger tight) on each of the bottom bolts.
Cleco the F-815A-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Outboard Seat Ribs, and the F-815B-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Outboard Seat Ribs to
the Seat Rib Assembly from the inside. Install the F-806E Spacer and Bolt at each F-815 outboard seat rib
(See “Detail A”, DWG 69). Rivet the fwd outboard, and aft outboard seat ribs to the F-806B-1 Rear Spar Attach
Rivet the F-815A-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Outboard Seat Ribs to the F-826-1 Left Center Bottom Skin and F-827-1 Right
Center Bottom Skin (DWG 74).
Rivet the F-805G-1 Gussets to the F-805-L-1 & -R-1 Bulkheads (See “Detail B”, DWG 69).
Dimple countersink the attachment rivet holes in five nutplates then rivet them to the F-860C-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Arm
Rest (DWG 69).
Rivet the three nutplates to the F-806A-L-1 & -R-1 Fuselage Bulkhead.
Cleco and then rivet, the F-806A-L-1 and F-805-L-1 Fuselage Bulkheads to the F-860B-L-1 Mid Left Arm Rest
(See “Left and Right Arm Rest Rivets”, DWG 69). Repeat this step for the right side of the aircraft.
Cleco and rivet the F-860C-L-1 Aft Arm Rest, and the F-860A-L-1 Fwd Arm Rest, in place on the F-806A-L-1
and F-805-L-1 Fuselage Bulkheads as shown in the “Left and Right Arm Rest Rivets”, DWG 69. Repeat this
step with the same parts for the right side.
Back rivet the Arm Rest Assemblies except
the F-860C-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Arm
, to the left and right F-823-1 Mid
Side Skins
Rivet the nutplates to the F-815C-L-1 & -R-1 Outboard Seat Rib Angles (See “Detail B & E”, DWG 69).
the F-815C-1 Outboard Seat Rib Angle, F-804H-1 Center Section Side Plate, F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper
Longerons and F-823-1 Mid Side Skin / Arm Rest Assemblies, to each side of the Center Section and Seat Rib
RV-8 Only:
Rivet the five holes at the top end of the F-802C-L-1 & -R-1 L. G. Box Webs to the F-887-L-1 & -R-1
Upper Longerons (See “Fwd Fuse Side Skins and Structure”, DWG 67).
Rivet the thirteen holes common between the F-887-L-1, WD-802-L-1 Upper Engine Mount Bracket, and F-
801C-1 Upper Angle (See “Fwd Fuselage Side Skins and Structure”, DWG 67). Rivet the same holes on the
right side.
Dimple the attachment rivet holes in four nutplates, then rivet the nutplates to the F-870B-1 Outboard Stiffener
(DWG 63 & 67 or 63A & 67A).
RV-8 Only:
Dimple the attachment rivet holes in seven nutplates, then rivet nutplates to the F-864C-1 and F-
865B-1 Throttle Quadrant Angles (DWG 68).
RV-8 Only:
Back rivet the F-864C-1 Throttle Quadrant Angle, and the F-870B-1 Outboard Stiffener to the
interior side of the F-820-L-1 Fwd Side Skin (DWG 67 & 68).
RV-8 Only:
Back rivet the F-865B-1 Throttle Quadrant Angle, and the F-870E-1 Skin Stiffener to the interior
right side of the F-820-R-1 Fwd Side skin (DWG 67 & 68).
RV-8A Only:
Dimple the attachment rivet holes in nine nutplates, then rivet the nutplates to the F-8100C-1 and
F-8101B-1 Throttle Quadrant Angles (DWG 68A).
RV-8A Only:
Back rivet the F-8100C-1 Throttle Quadrant Angle, and the F-870B-1 Outboard Stiffener to the
interior side of the F-891-L-1 Fwd Side Skin (DWG 67A & 68A).
RV-8A Only:
Back rivet the F-8101B-1 Throttle Quadrant Angle, and the F-870E-1 Skin Stiffener to the interior
side of the F-891-R-1 Fwd Side skin (DWG 67A & 68A).
RV-8A Only:
Rivet nutplates to the F-802R-L-1 & -R-1 Fuselage Bulkheads (See “Fwd Fuselage Substructure”,
DWG 63A).
RV-8A Only:
Dimple the attach holes on three nutplates and rivet them to the F-864DA-1 Throttle Quadrant
Bracket (See “Fwd Fuselage Substructure”, DWG 63A). Rivet the throttle quadrant bracket to the F-802R-L-1
Fuselage Bulkhead.
RV-8A Only:
Cleco then rivet the F-802W-L-1 & -R-1 Longeron Clips to the F-802R-L-1 & -R-1 Fuselage Bulk-
heads (See “Aft Iso View”, DWG 67A).