Step 5
From the top of the aileron, plug the control horn
screw through the hole and secure it with the provided
Step 6
Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for the remaining aileron.
Required Parts
• Wing panel (
right )
• Aileron (left and right)
Properly hinging the control surfaces on this model is very important! Poorly installed hinges
affect the model’s precision and control response and can also be dangerous. Each and every hinge
needs to be securely bonded in place in both the flying surface and the control surface. The hinge
pivot points need to be exactly parallel to each other and precisely located on the center of the hinge
line. The control surfaces of this model are predrilled for the hinges included in hardware package.
Step 1
Sand each end of the hinges using coarse
sandpaper. This will improve the bond of the epoxy to
the hinge.
left and
Section 3 – Hinging and Sealing the
Control Surfaces
Step 2
Mix some 30-minute epoxy. Using a glue syringe or
toothpick, place a sufficient amount of the epoxy into
one of the hinge pockets in the aileron leading edge.
Install one of the hinge points until the hinge pin
center is flush with the leading edge of the aileron.
Wipe away any excess epoxy with rubbing alcohol.
Continue installing hinges in the leading edge of the
aileron. The control surfaces (ailerons) will be
installed after the epoxy is fully cured. Note: Be sure
that the hinge pivot pins are parallel and flush to the
aileron leading edge. It’s important to frequently mix a
fresh batch of 30-minute epoxy in order to achieve
good glue joint penetration. If you notice the epoxy
becoming thicker, then mix a new batch!
Step 2
Install the following items onto the axle: washer, wheel
and then wheel collar.
Note: It may be necessary to drill the hole in the
wheel to fit onto the axle.
Step 3
The blind nuts on the wheel pant are pre-installed.
Slide the wheel pant to the right position on the wheel.
Secure the wheel pant to the landing gear with two
Note: Always use threadlock on metal-to-metal
fasteners to prevent them from vibrating loose.
Step 4
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the remaining landing gear.
Step 5
Install the landing gear to the fuselage using four
screws and four lock washers.
Required Parts
• Fuselage
Step 1
Use foam and rubber bands (or hook and loop straps)
to secure the receiver to the battery tray.
Section 10 – Receiver, Battery and Fuel
Tank Installation