2315NDT v2 CMOS X-ray Detector User Manual
External Connection
Varex Imaging CMOS flat panel X-ray detectors can be used in a stand-alone mode, where the
detector image acquisition is triggered by software (using the data interface) while X-rays are
controlled separately.
In an integrated X-ray machine, the image acquisition is typically controlled automatically by the
X-ray system in response to the operator starting the beam. This requires communication
between the system and the detector.
The detector is supplied with BNC connectors that can provide a direct connection to an X-ray
system to allow for timing synchronization.
The following synchronization sources are supported (see
“Modes of Operation” on page 26
Software Trigger, the trigger is sent by the software (SCap or API function).
Edge Trigger, the detector can trigger the X-ray system when the sensor is ready to be
Duration Trigger, the detector image capture is timed by a hardware signal from the system.
Modes of Operation
There are two readout modes available for 2315NDT panels:
Readout mode Continuous
(default mode). In this mode, the sensor is continuously reading
out in the background the dark current so that it doesn’t accumulate making the image
noisier. In this mode, there may be a delay between the trigger request and the start of
acquisition. This mode is explained in
Readout mode Idle
. In this mode, the sensor is not reading out the dark current in the
background. This means that there is not a delay between trigger and start of an acquisition,
but the first image acquired will be noisier (or even saturated) and it will need to be
discarded. This mode is explained in
Readout Mode ‘Continuous’
The v2 detectors are by default in Continuous readout mode. This means that once the detector is
powered on, the sensor starts reading out the dark current to avoid accumulation of noise in the
This though may generate a delay between requesting an image (triggering the detector) and
actually starting to acquire it.
The detector is not designed to control the duration of an X-ray
exposure. Output signals from the detector shall only be used to
indicate that the detector is ready to acquire an image.