Unpacking and Installation
Before coming on site for installation, a Varian Field Service Representative will contact you to
go through the “Pre-installation Checklist” at the front of this document to ensure that all of the
site requirements have been met. The Varian Field Service Representative will unpack and
install the 1200L LC/MS or 1200/1200L GC/MS and will demonstrate the fundamental operation
and maintenance of the MS. It is therefore important to have the system operator available
during the installation. The Varian Field Service Representative will only use the Varian
supplied computer to perform the testing of system specifications. Varian does not guarantee
the workstation software to function on any other computer hardware or operating system.
The Varian Field Service Representative will also demonstrate that your system meets the
performance specifications written into your sales contract. Do not plan to analyze samples with
the system until after the installation has been completed and you have accepted the conditions
of delivery.
Spare Parts
The 1200/1200L Hardware Operation Manual provides a list of spare parts for routine
Preventive Maintenance
The customer is responsible for performing routine and preventive maintenance of the
chromatograph, mass spectrometer, and data system. Any nitrogen generator used will require
preventative maintenance to ensure the nitrogen supply is clean and dry. Any instrument
problems that are a result of a contaminated gas supply are billable and not included in the
It is essential to perform regular preventive maintenance to increase the life of the system,
maximize system uptime, and optimize system performance. Refer to the 1200/1200L
Hardware Operation Manual for details. Your Varian Field Service Representative will describe
and demonstrate these procedures at the time of installation.
Trademark Acknowledgment
Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Swagelok is a
registered trademark of Swagelok Company, Solon, Ohio. Other brand and product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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1200/1200L MS Pre-installation Instructions