CP-3800 GC Operator’s Manual
Single Method, Addressable Automation
If an addressable device such as an 8400 AutoSampler is present, the 3800
defaults to the addressable mode on power up. If an 8400 is detected, the
following automation screens will appear. Note that the 8400 must be
connected to port SID1 on the 3800. In addressable automation methods
with the 8400 AutoSampler, the range of sample vials must be specified in
addition to the number of injections / sample. The sample range for an 8400
AutoSampler is 0 to 99, and the range of injections per sample is 1 to 99.
Method 1
Method 1
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Method: Method 1
Initial Sample: 0
Final Sample: 99
Injections / Sample: 1
Injection Volume (ul): 1.0
Select from one of the available eight 3800 methods using the increment or
decrement keys. Initial sample is the first 8400 vial to be sampled and final
sample is the final 8400 vial to be sampled. The automation method will
sample all vials that are present in the 8400 carrousel in this sample range.
As an example, if the initial sample was specified as 2 and the final sample
specified as 10, but sample vials were only present in positions 2, 5 and 10,
three runs would be made assuming the injections / sample parameter was
set to 1. The 8400 would sample from vial 2, then from vial 5, and finally from
vial 10. Note that the final sample must be greater than the initial sample.
Injections / sample refers to how many times the 8400 should sample from
each vial. The allowable entries are 1 to 99. Page two allows using Prep-
Ahead. Prep-Ahead allows the autosampler to begin preparing the next
sample for injection while the current run is in progress. You will have to
experiment with the Prep-Ahead count down timer if you wish to have the
next sample ready to inject exactly when the GC becomes ready after the
current run ends.
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