ProStar 335 Photodiode Array Detector
Enable Out:
A non-polarized constantly active output (a short). This output can be
used to activate Enable In on the next instrument.
Ready In:
When Enable Ready In is set (software switch), this polarized input
signal must be present before the ProStar 335 detector can go to the
Ready state.
Specifically, when the ProStar 335 detector is in the NOT Ready
Lamp On state, on receiving a Ready In signal, a monitor period will
occur after which the ProStar 335 goes to the Ready state. It must
stay active until the ProStar 335 starts. Ready In will be ignored in all
other states.
Ready Out:
This polarized output signal indicates that the ProStar 335 detector is
in the Ready state and is ready to start a time program.
Start In:
This polarized edge triggered input signal will start the active method
if the ProStar 335 detector is in the Ready state.
Start Out:
This polarized output signal will be activated for 600 milliseconds
when the ProStar 335 detector starts a time program.
Fault In:
This polarized edge triggered input signal informs the ProStar 335
detector that a fault condition exists in another instrument in the
system. The ProStar 335 halts the time program and sends a Fault
Out signal. The lamp can be programmed to either remain on or turn
off upon receiving a fault signal.
Fault Out:
This polarized output signal will activate for 600 milliseconds when
either of the following conditions occurs:
The ProStar 335 discovers an internal fault condition that warrants
aborting the run.
The ProStar 335 receives a Fault In signal and it has no internal
fault condition itself.
This edge-triggered contact closure causes an auto-zero adjustment.
The autozero adjustment only affects the analog output. It does not
affect the spectra being delivered to the Workstation or
chromatography data system.
Lamp off:
This edge-triggered contact closure switches the lamp off. It is
possible to turn the lamp back on manually if the contact is still