ProStar 335 Photodiode Array Detector
When making or breaking solvent line fittings, care should be
taken to prevent any contamination of exposed fittings. Tubing
should be sealed or capped when not connected. Thread
lubricants should never be applied to compression fittings.
Only high purity HPLC solvents should be used.
The external windows of the flowcell can be cleaned with a dry,
clean source of compressed air or nitrogen. To do this:
1. Remove the flowcell and carefully blow any dust or
contamination from the external windows.
2. Replace the flowcell, ensuring that the sample and reference
beam windows are not obstructed.
For full details on removing and replacing the flowcell, please
refer to the section titled ‘Installing a flowcell’ on page 69.
To avoid possible degradation in performance due to dust, flowcells
should be stored in sealed plastic bags when they are not in the detector.
Whenever the flowcell is removed, set the flowcell with the faceplate
upward. Avoid touching the inside of the flowcell recess. Cover the
flowcell opening with a piece of card, or always place a flowcell in the
flowcell opening.