Miscellaneous Procedures and Instructions
Miscellaneous Procedures and
Other Documents
Other documents that you may wish to consult regarding Saturn operation
include the following:
Software Reference, 03-914979-00
Saturn GC/MS Workstation Tutorials, 03-914988-00
Pre-Installation Instructions, 03-914629-00
Release Notes, 03-914767-00
Upgrade Notes, 03-914768-00
Site Requirements
Site Preparation
The Saturn GC/MS has been designed to operate reliably under carefully
controlled environmental conditions. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to
provide a suitable location, a power source of acceptable quality, and a suitable
operating environment. Operating a system or maintaining it in operational
condition outside of the power and operating environment limits listed below
could cause failures of many types. The repair of such failures is specifically
excluded from the standard warranty and service contract coverage.
For additional information, please request specific pre-installation support directly
through your local Varian Sales/Service Center.
You are responsible for providing two dedicated fourplex single-phase power
sources with earth grounds hard-wired to the main power panel ground. Within
North America these power sources must be 20A, 100-130 Vac, 60 Hz
3 Hz,
and outside North America they must be 10A, 200-260 Vac, 50 Hz
3 Hz. One
of these fourplex power sources is for the mass spectrometer, computer, monitor;
and printer the other fourplex power source is for the gas chromatograph and
(optional) AutoSampler. If you have additional sample preparation devices or test