Chapter 2. CP/MAS Solids Operation
VNMR 6.1C User Guide: Solid-State NMR
01-999162-00 C0402
The following applies to spinning the sample regardless of the type of pneumatics/
tachometer box in use. After reviewing these general instructions, see the following
sections for operating instructions that apply to the specific pneumatics/tachometer box that
is installed on your system.
• Pneumatics/tachometer box with rotor spin speed control from within VNMR, see
“Using the Rotor Speed Controller,” page 25
• Pneumatics/tachometer box with manual spin control, see
Pneumatics/Tachometer Box,” page 28
Centrifugal force can cause the black and white markings to flake off around the edges. This
can cause inaccurate tachometer readings. The black or white half circle can be reapplied
on the rotors with a black marking pen and white enamel paint provided in the startup kit.
The diameter marking should be straight.