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This function allows to limit the opening time. It
works exclusively when the air inlet is in
opening mode.
The timer can be programmed from 0 to 60
seconds, within a set period of 4 min. 15 sec.
(When positioned at 0, the timer is
deactivated.) For example, if the timer is set at
10 sec., the inlet will open for 10 sec., and then
stop for 4 min. 05 sec. It will then reactivate
itself to reach the position set by the DIP-1/115.
If the air inlet reaches the set position before
the timer goes off, it will stop at that position
and the timer will restart at the next inlet
opening request. In closing mode, the inlet
doesn’t wait for the timer.
If communication is interrupted, the curtain
remains in its actual position.
Adjusting the Timer
rotate the Selector dial to position (12),
rapidly rotate the Adjustor dial back and
forth to enter secondary function mode,
rotate the Selector dial to position (11),
rotate the Adjustor dial counterclockwise to
decrease the timer value, and clockwise to
increase it.
The timer value (0 - 60 seconds) is displayed
on the DIP-1/115.