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Operating instructions - petrol engine  •  Ord.No. 1023 / Ord.No. 1030                 



If you are one of those specialists who never read instructions, please note these two important points at 
the outset: 


1.  Don’t over-tighten the fan screw 90200! 
2.  Before starting the engine for the first time, unscrew the sparkplug and inject about 1 cc of two-stroke 

oil directly into the combustion chamber. 



The recommended fuel is a normal two-stroke mixture consisting of standard unleaded petrol mixed with a good 
fully synthetic high-performance two-stroke oil at a ratio of 1:40. For helicopter use we recommend VARIO two-
stroke oil, Ord.No. 1022/2 or 1022/4. Add the oil to standard petrol and invert the container repeatedly to mix the 
components. Be sure to use only special petrol-proof hoses. 
Great care must be exercised at all times when handling petrol. 
Use strong, absolutely leakproof fuel containers exclusively, and 

don’t smoke


Carburettor adjustment 

Remove the throttle flap stop-screw and spring, to allow the carburettor to close fully. The carburettor is factory-
adjusted, and the engine will start with the default setting. 


To adjust the engine and helicopter to obtain the correct system rotational speed and the optimum carburettor 
setting, work gradually towards the correct settings, always moving „from below“ in small increments, i.e. engine 
rich, flat throttle curve with 50% maximum value (carburettor half-open). There is good sense behind this 
procedure: petrol engines feature „forced ignition“, and will continue to run even when leaned out severely. Under 
these conditions they become very hot, and the result is: engine damage! For this reason it is always best to start 
by setting the engine „rich“, so that it hardly produces any power. From this point work gradually towards the 
setting which gives smooth, powerful running by adjusting the full-throttle needle in increments of 1/8 turn. Once 
this is established, don’t lean the mixture out further - not even experimentally. The full-throttle needle is marked 
„H“ (high) and the idle needle „L“ (low). Screwing the screw in gives a leaner setting, unscrewing it gives a richer 


Starting the engine 

To start the engine first press the pump bell repeatedly to force fuel out of the tank to the carburettor, until excess 
fuel runs out of the overflow. 
Always remember: throttle flap at idle! Close the carburettor opening with your finger or the choke, and pull the pull-
cord starter 1 or 2 times. This sucks in adequate fuel. The engine can now be started by pulling the pull-cord 


Running-in ... 

 ... is not necessary. Far more important is to select a slightly rich setting at all times. For the first few hours run the 
engine on a slightly more oil-rich fuel mixture than normal: 1:25 instead of 1:40. 



Please use only original resistance sparkplugs, Ord.No. 1022/3. 


Ignition-induced radio interference 

For helicopter use you should always use the special suppressed sparkplug cap, Ord.No. 4321, and carry out a 
range check before the first flight. Check first with the engine stopped, then with it running. The difference in range 
compared with the engine stopped should be insignificant. 


Petrol engine accessories 


Petrol-proof and methanol-proof quick-fill station 

A ball valve system is used in the manual pump, i.e. the pump does not pressurise the container in the usual way. 
Just ten turns of the manual pump are enough to fill a 500 cc fueltank. The gravity-controlled valves allow you to 
drain the tank simply by turning the manual pump through 180°. Even quite small quantities can be pumped 
accurately. The container is very strong and has a capacity of 3 litres. Ord.No. 3720. 


Fuel tubing

, 4 mm Ø, Ord.No. 830/83 


, Ord.No. 1022/3 

Clunk felt filter for tank installation

, Ord.No. 26/30 

Exhaust gasket, heat-resistant

, Ord.No. 115/29 

Geared pump

, Ord.No. 3721 

Copper exhaust gasket

, Ord.No. 115/30 

Fine-mesh filter

, Ord.No. 830/68 

3-part combi-gasket, copper core

, Ord.No. 115/74 

Petrol mechanics fueltank

, 540 ml, Ord.No. 830/26 

Carburettor intake trumpet

, Ord.No. 1022/13 

Synthetic two-stroke oil

, 1 l, Ord.No. 1022/2 

Suppressed plug cap

, Ord.No. 4321 


1 l, Ord.No. 1022/4 


VARIO Helicopter Uli Streich GmbH & Co. KG  •  Geschäftsführer Kirsten Zodtner 

Seewiesenstr. 7  •  97782 Gräfendorf  •  

 0 93 57.97 10-0  •  Fax 0 93 57. 97 10 10 

