The unit is maintenance-free and requires
only a periodic field test.
The electrical panel can be facing upwards
or sideways, at an angle of 90° max.
The panel must
face downwards.
When the thermal overheat protection with
manual reset is activated, you must take
the following measures: do not tamper with
the heater in any way, e.g. do not remove
the cover. Refer to an authorised electrician.
Disconnect from the main power supply and
identify the cause for activation of the over-
load device. The overload device can be
reset once the fault has been resolved.
The post-heating electric coil prevents the
temperature of the intake air from being too
low and ensures environmental comfort.
Operation of the resistance is controlled accor-
ding to the temperature of the intake air.
The resistance is connected to the system on
the air supply channel. The air that passes
through the heater must flow in the direc
tion indicated by the arrow on the side of the
heater, near the terminal block. The heater
can be installed in a vertical or horizontal
duct, and must be made of fire retardant
material resistant to both heat and cold.
The distance between the heater and an
a valve, a filter etc. must be at least
twice the diameter of the duct, otherwise
flow of air through the heater might be
irregular and cause activation of the ther-
mal overheat protection.
The heater must be insulated as per the regula-
tions relating to ventilation ducts. The insulation
must always be flame retardant.
The cover of the heater must be free of
insulation, so that the name tag can be cle-
arly seen and the cover can be removed.
The installation area of the heater must
remain accessible to permit replacement
and servicing.
The minimum distance between the metal
casing of the heater and any wood or other
combustible material must be 30 mm.
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