vBike manual contains details for you about the products, information about operation,
maintenance and also other useful tips. It is essential to read and understand this entire
manual before using your ebike in order to drive safe and prevent accident.
The warnings concerning the safe operation and maintenance help you to get more familiar
with your ebike and drive safe. Failure to read and understand this manual can face you with
Please read carefully and pay more attention to the parts which are mentioned as Attention,
note or parts which has “CAUTION” Symbol as they include the information which help you
drive safe.
Keep this manual for your reference. But you are seriously recommended to download and
review the latest version of manual from the vBike website at "www.vbike.ca/manual" because
all content in this manual is subject to change or withdrawal without notice so you can have
the access to the latest version of the manual. vBike do all its best to ensure the accuracy of
its documentation and assumes no responsibility or liability if any errors or inaccuracies
appear within.
As riding any kind of bike comes along with some risks which cannot be predicted or avoided
and it is impossible to foretaste all conditions that can happen during riding, this manual
makes no representations about the safe use of ebikes under all situations and it is the sole
responsibility of the rider.
vBike Canada