Sort Channels
- The channels are automatically sorted
according to your broadcaster’s (LCN) automatic
channel sorting number, where available.
Broadcasters that do not provide LCN data the
channels will be sorted according to their discovery.
- You can change the channel order by pressing
the up or down arrows or by pressing on the cycle icon
and selecting the channel location from the drop down
- Channel number is provided automatically by the
broadcaster (LCN) where available, When LCN is not
available the channel will receive channel number
higher than 1000, you can change the channel number
to a more friendly number
- There is no need to change this settings,
However you can narrow down the streamed data by
selecting specific language and audio tracks, or enable
Advanced settings to stream Single Program Transport
Stream (SPTS)
to continue
Step 4 - Recording Setup
You can set recording now or later, recording is
available on a self-powered USB removable Hard Disk
Drive or USB Flash Drive; or to a Network shared
Windows folder or NAS (SMB/CIFS)
- Plug your USB device to the VBox USB port
located on the rear panel and wait for few seconds
until the Current status refreshes and the available
storage is displayed, please make sure that your device
is formatted in the supported file system and that it is
self-powered, or connect a self-powered USB hub to
the VBox and connect your device to the hub
Network Wizard
- Browse to a Network storage that is
located on the same Domain or Workgroup