XTi-VBox Android TV Gateway User
. Recording
. Recording a series TV show (beta)
EPG Series Recording
EPG series recording is enabled whenever program information is available without a CRID.
In this case the start and stop times are set based on the current EPG data and the user need to set
recurring days.
In EPG series recording the recorded program name is set based on the recorded program at the time of
recording. (i.e if you set to record the news and instead a football game was on it will record the football
game and program name will be taken from the EPG at the time)
To stop EPG series recording, cancel the series recording
Note – The TV Gateway will record based on day start and stop time and will record even if the program
is not airing.
Manual Series Recording
When no program information is available, you will be prompt to enter series recording name, start and
stop time and recurring days.
When setting up a manual series recording all recorded program will have the same recording name.
To stop the series recording you will have to cancel the series recording