Messager & Assignments
If you chose, in task bar (at the bottom), icon:
you will go to screen, where you can chose one of a few
available functionalities.
Besides access to navigation, you can also send/receive simple text message or send/receive assignments status.
Those two functionalities are independent of each other.
This icon, is message icon...
You can send/receive simple text messages.
Icon Assignments is also teeling you about message for you. Shape of this message is not free. Message is pre
defined by your dispatcher or Fleet Manager. This kind of messages will always look the the same for you. You can
create an answer but by strict rules. Always when you open „assignments” and click „Update”, you will see the list
of answers which are possible and provided for this specified assignment.
If you want to create and send message, click „Messaging” icon and select „New message”. Mow you can type
in your text message. Then, click „Send” if your message is finished. When you receive message during driving,
you will be informed about this. You will hear a sound and you will see information on the screen. For your comfort
and safety, message can be read aloud by your Driver Linc(!)