Pull-down menu (functions list)
In guidance mode, “Function” will be displayed on the screen. Once the
OK key has been pressed, the selectable functions will be displayed. If no
function is selected, the menu will close after several seconds.
List screen
For several options, a list will be displayed on the right-hand side of the
screen. If it is not possible to show all list entries, the cursor can be used
to scroll down, e.g. by pressing the
cursor key at the lower end of the
list. It is possible to scroll back up by pressing the
cursor key once you
have reached “Quit” in the list. If it is possible to display further
information for a particular list entry, “
” will be displayed to the right
of the list entry. To display this information, press the cursor key
Pressing the OK key, cursor key
or selecting the “Quit” option will take
you back to the previous menu without any list entry having been