Destination input
The following types of destination input can be used:
Direct address input, including postal code, Quick Access (QXS) and List
Input of special destinations
Transfer from the address book
Entry by means of the destination map
Input of co-ordinates
Transfer from the travel infos
Direct address input
Select the option “Navigation” from the ”Start menu”. Press the
OK button
Using the keypad, enter the destination address under ”Country:”,
City/ZIP:”, ”Road:” and if required, ”Special Destination”, and, if
available, the ”Nr:”. Confirm each letter with the OK button. Enter
“Name” and ”Telephone” if the destination is to be stored. (See
chapter Address book)
To enter a blank, select ”Blank” and confirm with the OK button.
The character last entered can be deleted with ”Delete”, the
complete line with ”Quit”.
Character sequences for which no names exist cannot be selected. If a
character sequence is clear, the input is automatically completed.
After inputting the postal code, use ”List” to display all corresponding
parts of town. Select the desired location and confirm with OK. The town
name is also sufficient for a destination. The navigation system will then
route you to the town border. A unique input is made by means of the
postal code and the town name. Please note, however, that the
availability of postal codes depends on the data stored on the map