Image 23. Carburetor
(1)Cable adjusting screw
(2)Hexagonical screw
(3)Striker pin for idle adjustment
(4)Slidegate housing cap
(5)Idle regulation screw
(6)Hexagonical screw for retainer
(7)Idle jet
(8)Screw plug
(9)Hexagonical screw filter retainer
immaculate combustion, is getting distributed to the cylinder. The main jet also sets the maximum
tolerance for the amount of fuel, while the needle jet controls the fuel output up to appx. ¾ of the
slidegate opening. By manipulating the needle setting in the slidegate (notches in the needle jet),
additional influence can be taken towards the fuel/air mix consistency within the scope of the jet
needle (until appx. ¾ slidegate opening). If the needle is placed higher, the ratio will be richer and if
the needle is placed lower, the ratio will be leaner.
Incase of having to start a cold engine, the carburetor has an air slidegate installed, that can be
operated by using the air lever on the right hand side of the handlebar.
The fuel-air-ratio is set by an idle-fuel-jet (7) and an adjustable idle-air-jet that let fuel-air-foam pass
through a bore to the outside. Adjusting the idle speed is done by adjusting the striker pin (3),
which is located at the slidegate housing cap (4).