Remove the safe and use a 10mm masonry drill to drill the 6 holes required to fix the safe to the
wall [Fig. 5]. Holes should be drilled to a depth of 50mm.
Push the assembled anchoring bolts and sleeves into the holes and gently tighten the bolts, to
open up the sleeves, locking them in position in the wall [Fig. 6].
The bolts should then be unscrewed, and removed, leaving the sleeves locked in position.
The safe can now be secured to the wall by feeding the bolts, through the backplate and into the
sleeves in the wall and tightening [Fig. 7].
NOTE: If the key rack is being fitted, the top 3 bolts need to be fed through the key rack
fixing holes as the safe is being secured to the wall [Fig. 8].
The Vecta Personal Safe is now installed and ready to be set up.
2.4 Installing the tray
Once the safe is securely bolted to the wall and the batteries are in place, the valuables tray can be
placed in the safe, covering the battery compartment. The raised side of the tray should be against the
back of the safe, to cover the lower fixing bolts.
• The Vecta Personal Safe can be accessed using either the 4-digit User Code for day to day
access or the 4-digit Administrator Code (if the User Code has been lost or forgotten).
• Both these codes are pre-programmed so so it is important for security reasons that they are
both changed as soon as the safe is installed.
• The Administrator Code MUST be kept safe as it can only be changed by first entering the
current Administrator Code. If the current Administrator Code is lost, it cannot be changed.
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Key rack