To turn on the machine
Making sure that the solu
on switch on the remote control is on the “OFF” posi
on. Press the start bu
on (one
resonator at a
me) and keep it pressed for 5 seconds
you hear combu
(sounds like a small
explosion). It is necessary to keep the machine on for about 10 seconds to warm up before turning on the solu
TIP: If the machine fails to start , press the button “KNOCKING” so pressure in the fuel tank can be re-
established. Press the start button again and repeat the above procedure until it starts .
To start fogging
Once the machine has heated up for 10 seconds,
ick the solu
on switch to the ON posi
on. When you are ready to
start fogging, turn clockwise the Chemical Flow Regulator (FIG 1.12). Note: This valve also regulates the amount of
ow/chemical being used, by turning it le
to right.
To turn off the machine
Flick the solu
on switch to the OFF posi
on and press the STOP bu
on. Turn the Chemical Flow Regulator an
clockwise to stop the
ow of chemical. Tip: A
er use, keep the machine in opera
on for 5 seconds to help get rid-o
any chemical mixture s
l in the system.
Cleaning the Chemical Tank and Pipes
Fill the chemical tank with 25% of clean water and turn on the unit. This will prevent corrosion and the accumula
of chemical deposits in the tank and pipes.
Spark Plug Maintenance
Remove the spark plug using a spanner or spark plug remover. Remove any carbon deposits between the electrode
and the earth se
on with a wire brush. Make sure that there is a space of 3 to 5 mm between the electrode and the