Humidistat TCY-BH
Doc: 70-00-0142, V1.4, 20160912
© Vector Controls GmbH, Switzerland
Page 5
Subject to alteration
Advanced user setup menu
To enter the advanced user setup menu, activate the controller by pressing the POWER button. Press the ENTER key
for 3 sec until SEL is shown in the large digits. The menu can be left by pressing the POWER / ESC button or by not
pressing a button for more than 5 minutes.
Sensor calibration
Start the advanced menu as described above. Select CALH or CALt with the UP/DOWN buttons.
Small digits show CALH (internal humidity sensor calibration) and CALt (temperature setback sensor calibration). The
current calibration value is displayed. Press ENTER and then change the value with the UP/DOWN buttons, and save it
with the ENTER button.
Clock setup (for deluxe versions only)
A blinking clock indicates that the time needs to be set. Time programs will not operate if the time is not defined.
Start advanced menu as described above and select the clock display by pressing the UP or DOWN keys.
The current time is now displayed in the small digits. Press the ENTER button to enter the clock setup. The minute
digits start to blink and can be changed with the UP/DOWN buttons.
Pressing ENTER saves minutes and steps to hours. The hour digits blink now and can be changed with the
UP/DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER again to step to the day setting. DAY1-7 is displayed. Day 1 stands for Monday, Day 2 for Tuesday
and so forth. Select the day according to current weekday.
Pressing ENTER again saves the settings and moves back to the SELECT menu. To leave the setup mode press the
POWER button.
Time schedules (for deluxe versions only)
Four individual time programs (Pro1, Pro2, Pro3, Pro4), each with four switching events, are available. A switching
event changes the controller from one operation mode to another.
Time schedules and their switching events can be individually enabled. Make sure that undefined time schedules and
switching events are disabled.
Enter the advanced menu as described above and select PRO by pressing UP or DOWN buttons. Press the ENTER key.
Pro1 is now shown in the large digits, while the number 1 is blinking. Select time schedule Pro1-Pro4 by using
UP/DOWN keys and pressing the ENTER key.
Enable or disable the Pro1 time schedule. Choose ON or OFF with the UP/DOWN keys. The following steps will only
be accessible if ON is selected. OFF disables this time schedule and its switching events.
Select day(s) with UP/DOWN. Day 1 stands for Monday, day 2 for Tuesday and so forth. Options are d1-7, d1-6,
d1-5, d6-7, day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7. This time schedule will be active during the selected day
or days. Press ENTER to continue.
Select desired operation mode below with UP/DOWN, press ENTER to continue
Name on display
Override reset
Switching event not used
Operation mode changes to off mode
Reset is active
Operation mode changes to economy mode
Reset is active
Operation mode changes to comfort mode
Reset is not active
Operation mode does not change
Reset is not active
Select switching time 00:00 to 23:45 in 15-minute steps with UP/DOWN.
Press ENTER to continue and repeat step 3 and 4 for each switching event.
UNI: University mode: This switching mode is used for rooms such as lecture rooms and auditoriums that might be
occupied during a certain time. During this time the reset is not active. The unit will not start itself when UNI mode is
active. It still needs to be manually activated. This is to avoid unnecessary heating or cooling of such rooms while they
are not occupied.
Override reset function: The override reset applies when the unit is manually switched on, while in scheduled off or
ECO mode. The unit will return to the scheduled mode when the reset time defined in UP08 expires.
Setting UP08 to 0 disables the override reset.
From Monday to Friday the controller shall be in Comfort mode between 08:00 in the morning and 18:00 in the
evening. Between 18:00 and 08:00 it shall be in OFF mode. One time schedule with two switching events is required
to achieve this time schedule:
Setting procedure:
Select the desired time schedule (Pro1) with UP/DOWN key,
Press enter, select ON to activate Pro1 with UP/DOWN keys, Press enter,
Select d1-5 (Monday – Friday) with UP/DOWN keys and confirm with ENTER key
Select ON mode with UP / DOWN key and confirm with ENTER
Select the time of the first desired switching event for Pro1 (ON mode) to 08:00 with the UP/DOWN keys;
Press ENTER to conclude this switching event (first of 4 available).