VN-200 User Manual
Reset Command
This command will reset the module. There are no parameters required for this command. The module
will first respond to the command and will then perform a reset. Upon a reset all registers will be
reloaded with the values saved in non-volatile memory. If no values are stored in non-volatile memory,
the device will default to factory settings. Also upon reset the VN-200 will re-initialize its Kalman filter,
thus the filter will take a few seconds to completely converge on the correct attitude and correct for
gyro bias. This command is equivalent in functionality to the hardware reset performed by pulling pin
21 (NRST) low.
Table 19 - Example Reset Command
Example Command
UART Command
UART Response
SPI Command (8 bytes)
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (shown as hex)
SPI Response (8 bytes)
00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 (shown as hex)