DPLLD Transducer Installation
Red Jacket Standard Pumps (DPLLD w/SwiftCheck)
Failure to ensure a smooth seal surface can result in false line leak alarms.
Figure 3. Sealing Surface For SwiftCheck Valve’s External O-Ring
7. Lubricate the external o-ring on the SwiftCheck valve using mineral oil or other suitable lubricant.
8. If there is a Stage II vapor recovery device installed, go to Step 7. If there is no Stage II vapor recovery, install
the SwiftCheck valve [Figure
4] in the mechanical LLD pump port. Thread the DPLLD transducer into the
SwiftCheck Valve.
Do not overtighten the SwiftCheck valve when installing it into the pump. Over
tightening the valve can cause a flow restriction in the line!
Seal the NPT threads only with a UL-Classified, nontoxic pipe sealant suitable for the
fuel involved (for high-alcohol fuel blend applications, Loctite 564 is recommended).
Apply sealant in a manner that prevents it from entering and contaminating hydraulic