TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
Allowable selections: Yes, No
Default: Yes
Host Name
NOTE: Changing the Host Name will require a reboot of the console.
A blank Host Name is not allowed.
Setup - These rules only apply in a multi-Ethernet Comm Device configuration. The Host Name of the
Ethernet Comm Device that is the Default Gateway (Yes) will be used and can be changed.
Allowable selections: 1 to 100 characters
Default: tls450
MAC Address
This value is read only.
Format - The MAC Address will use the format of six groups of two hexadecimal digits separated by
colons (:), e.g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab
IP Assignment
NOTE: Changing the IP Assignment will require a reboot of the console.
In a multi-Ethernet Comm Device configuration, only one Ethernet Comm Device can be set up as
'Dynamic'. Once an Ethernet Comm Device is set up as 'Dynamic', the rest of the Ethernet Comm
Devices will remain 'Static' and cannot be changed to 'Dynamic' from their own screens. To set
another Ethernet Comm Device to 'Dynamic', the user will have to set the Ethernet Comm Device
currently designated 'Dynamic' to 'Static' before making the change.
Allowable selection: Dynamic, Static. Default: Static
The terms Dynamic and Static are defined as they relate to an IP Assignment.
Dynamic - When the IP Assignment is Dynamic, an Ethernet Comm Device can have a
different IP address every time it connects to the network. This address is usually
administered by a Network service such as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Static - When the IP Assignment is Static, an Ethernet Comm Device will have a permanent
IP address every time it connects to the network. This address is entered by the console
IP Address
NOTE: Changing the IP Address will require a reboot of the console.
Format - The format of this field will use the IPv4 dot-decimal notation, e.g.
Allowable selections: Numeric XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (0 to 255 each field) . Default: