TLS-450 Setup and Operation Screens Manual
the generator shuts Off, the system returns to its Leak Test mode. GENERATOR ON and
GENERATOR OFF messages are printed whenever the generator turns on and off. This
selection also generates the External Input alarm.
PUMP SENSE - Select this input type when the input is used to indicate the On/Off state of the
pump. This selection also indicates the 'state of hook signal'.
STANDARD ACK - - Select this type when using an eternal input (e.g., remote pushbutton) as an
ALARM/TEST key. This selection also generates the External Input alarm.
Allowable selections:
Pump Sense
Standard ACK
Default: Standard
You must identify the input switch orientation as either normally open or normally closed so the console
properly recognizes an ON or OFF condition.
Allowable selections: Normally Open, Normally Closed
Default: Normally Closed
Tanks (Generator External Input Type Only)
You must identify which tanks supply fuel to the generator, so that the console will conduct a continuous
leak test in these tanks while the generator is off. If all tanks connected to the system supply fuel to the
generator wired to this input, select All Tanks. If only one or some of the tanks connected to the system
supply fuel to this generator, enter the individual tank numbers.
Allowable selections: All tanks, or select a tank(s)
Default: Blank