- B3
- REI -P
- BIP -V
- REI -V
- PDH/DSn errors depending on payload
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8.2.7 Performance Analysis
Evaluation according to ITU-T G.821
This recommendation was originally specified for international circuit-switched nx64 kbit/s connections and later expanded to
include higher bit rates.
ES, SES, AS and UAS are evaluated and can be performed on the following events:
- FAS bit errors (FAS 2, FAS 34)
- CRC errors
- E bit errors
- Bit errors (TSE, Test Sequence Error)
The following signals can be measured when performing G.821 evaluation of bit errors (TSE):
- Unframed patterns
- n x 64 kbit/s
- Framed patterns and bulk signals
- Pass/Fail result in conjunction with path allocation of between 0.1 and 100%.
ITU-T G.821 evaluates bit errors therefore facilities for evaluating block errors are disabled. G.821 relies on the evaluation
of bit errors and so the test channel must be taken out of service to perform the measurement.
TX150 e-Manual D07-00-023 Rev A02
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