In 2M mode, the options are 2M or Fractional E1 (N x64) where:
- 2M: Configures the transmitter for full rate testing at 2,048Mbit/s
- Fractional E1 (N x64) : Configures the transmitter for fractional testing using N or M 64kbit/s timeslots. (Contiguous or non-
Contiguous timeslots).
In E3 (34 Mbit/s) mode, the option are 34M or 2M Mux (E3//E1 Mux) or Fractional E1 (Nx64) Mux where:
- 34 M: Configures the transmitter for full rate testing at 34Mbit/s
- 2 M (E3/E1 Mux): Configures the transmitter for full rate testing at 34Mbit/s signal with E1 payloads (1 to 16 channels)
- Fractional E1 (E3/E1Mux w/Nx64 ): Configures the transmitter for full rate testing at 34Mbit/s signal with E1 payloads (1 to 16
channels) for fractional testing using N or M 64kbit/s timeslots. (Contiguous or non-Contiguous timeslots).
In DS1 mode, the options are unframed, D4 (SF) and ANSI T1.107 (ESF)
In DS3 mode, the options are unframed, M13 and C-Parity
In E1 mode, the options are unframed, PCM31, PCM31C, PCM30, and PCM30C. Framing conforms to G.704 and G.706
recommendations and are briefly described below;
In E3 mode, the options are unframed, framed G.751.
When the Nx64 fractional rate is selected, the following screen is displayed:
Options are D4 (SF) and ESF ANSI T1.107 recommendations same as DS1 described above.
Unframed signal types are not supported in the N x 64 fractional mode, because framing is required to determine the
location of timeslots.
: Select the timeslot by tapping the applicable box. Deselect the timeslot by tapping the box again.
7.2.4 TX Setup > Pattern
Tapping the Pattern box opens the Tx Pattern Setup screen shown below. The test patterns can be applied to all PDH/DSn and
SONET rates however ITU-T recommends certain sequences dependent on the bit rate under test.
TX150 e-Manual D07-00-023 Rev A02
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