Duress Code(s) is an important code to protect the user in case of forcing to open the door under
duress. The duress code operates like a normal user code to ac�vate Output 1 for door opening and
at the same �me it also ac�vates the Duress Output without any indica�on. The duress output can
be used to actuate Auto-dialer or security system to report the event.
User ID Duress Code
0 - 9 4-8 Digits
Duress codes can be 4-8 digits long in manual code entry mode; but must have the same length as
the master code if the keypad is in auto code entry mode.
10 unique User IDs
for 10 Duress Codes.
The Duress code con�nues to operate and is not governed by any system inhibi�ng or lock-up
Always set a Duress code that is easy to remember in Panic situa�on. Only one number different
from the daily used User code is recommended.
For example:
A Daily User Code is
1 3 5 7
, then
3 3 5 7
1 3 5 8
may be a good choice for Duress code.
See “Programming Summary Chart” Sec�on C – 3 for more informa�on.
See informa�on on
Loca�on 82
concerning digit length in Auto and Manual code entry modes.
Programming Example :
1. Set keypad to programming mode with master code and
key. Taking the previous programmed
master code
3 2 8 9
as example here:
2. Program 3 3 5 7 as 1st Duress Code:
Program 2 3 9 8 0 as 2nd Duress Code --- if more user needs duress code:
3.Exit programming mode by pressing the
Operation :
1. Ac�vate Output 1 & Duress Output with the 4-digit User Code:
2. Ac�vate Output 1 & Duress Output with the 5-digit User Code:
3. De-ac�vate (reset) Duress Output with Any normal User Code; 1357 is the user code in this
Duress Output works con�nuously a�er ac�vated un�l reset.
Duress Code always ac�vates the Output 1 and the Duress Output simultaneously, but can not
de-ac�vate Duress Output. Only a normal User Code or Super User Code can reset Duress Output.
Programming The Duress Codes (Loca�on 46)