14 : O/P 1 INHIB. --
A Normally Open (N.O.) input terminal refers to (–) ground. Both user code 1 and Egress bu�on can
not ac�vate output 1 while this terminal is �ed to (–) ground. It is prepared for cross wire
connec�on in Inter-lock applica�on.
15 : INT. LOCK
An NPN transistor open collector output. It is OFF at normal condi�on and switches to (–) ground
immediately for the first 5 seconds a�er keying in a valid user code or pressing the egress bu�on to
operate output 1, then, it will keep tying to (–) ground during the �me that the door posi�on sensor
is open circuit due to door opening. Use this output to control the other keypad in an inter-lock
system to prevent that both doors can be opened at the same �me.
An inter-lock system is a two-door system that always allows only one door to open during the
opera�on �me.
While one of the doors in the system is opened, the other door keeps close un�l the opened door is
re-closed in order to prevent the unauthorized people dashing into a protected area.
16 - 17 : TAMPER N.C.
Normally Closed contact while the keypad is secured on the box. It is open while keypad is separated
from the box. Connect this N.C. terminal to a 24 hour zone of an alarm system if necessary.