4. Possible Problems
other sources of ultrasonic sound e.g. car alarms may cause the SPBS2 to malfunction
parking on gravel roads, bumpy roads, sloping roads
exposure to the hot rays of the sun or to freezing weather
the proximity of powerful electromagnetic fields
simultaneous use of the SPBS2 and an AC/DC inverter
when the sensors are covered in mud, snow, ice, etc.
5. Warnings
only use this product as a reversing sonar
do not cut or extend the sensor cord
do not use the device on a car equipped with an audible reversing warning
do not use this device on a vehicle where the engine is located at the back
the device should not disturb the natural curve of the body i.e. it should not add to the
vehicle's length or width
6. Wiring Diagram
7. Installation
Do NOT put the car in reverse while installing this device !!
a) Installing the Sensors
Attach the included double-sided tape to the sensors and attach the sensors to the body of your
vehicle. The double-sided tape is very flexible and will follow the natural lines of your car (fig. 5).
Note that the part of the cables that runs along the outside of the body of your car should be
firmly fixed (fig. 7). Mount the sensors vertically at a height of 55cm to 70cm (fig. 6) on the most
protrusive part of the back of your vehicle
but not on the bumper
. Mounting the sensors too
low will cause them to "detect" the road surface; small objects will go undetected if the sensors
are mounted too high. Do not place the sensors more than ± 90cm or 3 feet apart.